What Is The Quran?
The Qur’an is the primary revelation in Islam, held to be the direct Word of God given to the Prophet Muhammad.
The Qur’an affirms that God is the one Creator and Sovereign of the universe,
has willed its right order and balance, and that all beings (not only humans) praise and glorify God.
Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
For Muslims, the Qurʾan is the revelatory word of God, dictated by the angel Gabriel to the prophet Muhammad
in segments between the years 612 and 632. The revelations were memorized and recorded word-for-word in Arabic
and are today found in the Arabic text of the Qurʾan in precisely the manner God intended.
Andrew Rippin, Oxford Bibliographies
The Qur’an is a sacred book for Muslims, revealed to Prophet Muhammad and written in Arabic.
Literally “recitation,” the Qur’an is primarily an oral text, preserved through listening and reciting.
The Pluralism Project, Harvard University